Popcorn ceilings were trendy in the 80s and early 90s. It was a new concept that added a new dimension to the regular ceiling. While popcorn ceilings were unique and popular, it became evident that they were a hazard to people’s health because of the use of asbestos to create the texture. Over time, popcorn ceilings can become worn or disturbed through remodeling. As this occurred, asbestos fibers were released, exposing people in the home. In newer homes, most textured ceilings and walls use sand as a replacement for asbestos. However, older homes with popcorn ceilings and textured walls likely have asbestos.
How Can I Tell If My Popcorn Ceiling Contains Asbestos?
Asbestos fibers are microscopic and cannot be seen by just looking at a material. Professional asbestos abatement specialists are required to perform asbestos testing and inspections on properties. They will take samples from many areas of your property, secure each sample, and send them to a lab for highly accurate testing. Asbestos testing is the only reliable way to see if your property contains asbestos. In most cases, popcorn ceilings do contain asbestos. If you have popcorn ceilings, it is crucial to have them tested.
If your popcorn ceiling or textured walls contain asbestos, an asbestos abatement professional will need to remove the asbestos-containing materials from the property. Asbestos removal requires suits, respirators, equipment, and licenses to remove and safely dispose of any asbestos properly. Utah Asbestos Abatement is the leader in complete asbestos removal for both residential and commercial properties.
If your property has textured walls or popcorn ceilings, it is in your best interest to have it tested. Remodels and wear and tear can cause asbestos exposure, which can lead to health problems in the future. Asbestos exposure is known to cause respiratory problems, as well as cancer.
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