Asbestos is becoming more and more of a hot topic as more people learn how dangerous the naturally growing fiber is. With the recent gain in traction, it is not surprising that people are more curious about asbestos and have many questions. Luckily, Ogden Asbestos Abatement has all the knowledge to help you to understand asbestos and its many dangers better.

Can Asbestos Be in My Home?

Asbestos has been used for decades in construction materials. It was mostly used in the 80s but is still being seen in some materials used for construction. If you own an older house, it is very likely asbestos is present. Asbestos was used in conjunction with other materials to make durable and fire-resistant materials. If you have an older home that has never been tested for asbestos, it is important to complete one. This is especially the case if you are planning on doing any remodeling. If your home is newer, it could still contain asbestos. We still see trace amounts of asbestos in materials for more contemporary homes. To be safe, have your home tested for asbestos!

Is Asbestos Common in Commercial Properties?

We see a lot of asbestos in older buildings. Buildings were the leading place asbestos was used, and it was used in abundance. Most older buildings have a lot of asbestos-containing materials present, which can pose a very hazardous risk to everyone that enters the building. If you own an older building, it is crucial to have it tested for asbestos. Newer buildings may contain small amounts of asbestos, but older buildings are the primary concern.
If your property has never been assessed for asbestos, it is important to have it completed. Asbestos can affect everyone that enters your home or business. Once exposed to asbestos, you will become ill from respiratory problems and possibly cancer. Play it safe and have your property tested today!