What is Asbestos &
Why is it Dangerous
What is Asbestos &
Why is it Dangerous
Abatement Services of Ogden
Abatement Services of Ogden is the number one choice for asbestos abatement services in and around Ogden. Our team of asbestos contractors are fully licensed, insured, and certified to provide the best in asbestos testing, removal, and abatement services. Asbestos has become mainstream since it was determined to be dangerous. Most people are still unsure as to what asbestos is and why it is dangerous. Below we will discuss asbestos and the dangers that are associated with the fiber.
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a small fiber that can be ingested without you ever knowing. Asbestos is usually inhaled as the fibers move throughout your home or business. Asbestos fibers were used in a lot of construction materials into the late 80s and early 90s. There are still trace amounts in some construction materials. If you own an older home, it is possible that there are asbestos-containing materials present. They only way to know for sure is through an asbestos test. Abatement Services of Ogden can perform an asbestos test and give you the peace of mind that your home or business is clear of asbestos.
Asbestos could be anywhere in your home or business, and you would never realize it. It is crucial to have an asbestos test to ensure the safety of you, your family, your clients, and employees.
Some of the Main Places that Asbestos Can Be:
Asbestos could be anywhere in your home or business, and you would never realize it. It is crucial to have an asbestos test to ensure the safety of you, your family, your clients, and employees.
Why is
So Dangerous?
Asbestos is known to cause debilitating illnesses. Asbestos was once known as a miracle fiber for construction, but it is now a silent killer. Abatement Services of Ogden wants to protect you from the harmful effects of asbestos. Therefore, we provide asbestos testing to both residential and commercial properties for Ogden and the surrounding areas.
Asbestos is known to cause the following illnesses: